Coolhunting Workshop – Spain

Lucia Chrometzka and Elisabetta Pasini were invited by the University of Valladolid, department of Literature & Philosophical Studies, to hold a two-days workshop for students and companies regarding the analysis of global and local trends, using the methodological tools of the Institute. The workshop included sections dedicated to methodology and research findings on fashion and aesthetics.

The workshop, entitled “Imágenes de la Moda: vestir la escena, vestir la calle” (Fashion images: dressing the scene, dressing the street) was held the 24th-25th November 2006 in Valladolid, Spain. More than 200 participants, divided between professionals, graduate and post-graduate students, arrived from different parts of Spain in order to attend the session.

During this occasion, the FCL trend experts, Elisabetta Pasini and Lucia Chrometzka, after presenting the Institute’s methodological tools and information regarding the Institute’s “coolhunting” activity, dedicated two sessions on the presentation of the trends on Aesthetics and the findings on the relationship between the sectors of Luxury & Basic.

The two-days workshop was the second session of an event organised by Victoria Cavia, Professor of History of Music at the University of Valladolid, the successful initiative aiming to experimenting a new interdisciplinary link between academy and society.