Seminars & Conferences

A consolidated vocation for the transfer of knowledge
For Future Concept Lab training and education, inside and outside both companies and organisations is a consolidated a vocation, that has led to the realisation of seminars and conferences in 30 countries around the world. Very often, this training becomes the link between research activities on international trends and applied consultancy that is proposed to companies and institutions in the form of The Lab.
This is also why Future Concept Lab has always worked in between undergraduate, postgraduate teaching and strategic training within companies, organising seminars and conferences that attract audiences of between 20 and 200 people..
Often the seminars are structured over two days: a first for the presentation of trends and materials by Future Concept Lab, a second dedicated to team work and the presentation of final results with strategic discussion.
In recent years, workshops have been organised in many companies in both Italy and abroad and at universities around the world: in Argentina (Centro Metropolitano de Diseño Buenos Aires, Universidad Siglo 21 in Cordoba), Brazil (Senai Cetiqt and PUC in Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Inexmoda and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Camara de Comercio di Bogotà), Korea (Seoul National University), France (IFM in Paris and Euromed in Marseille), Portugal (Porto AESE), Spain (Universidad de Navarra and ISEM in Madrid, IED and Elisava in Barcelona), Turkey (Bilgi University, Istanbul), Thailand (TCDC in Bangkok), UK (Royal College and Central Saint Martins), USA (World Future Society, Chicago).