Future Vision Workshops: 2012

2012. The end of one world… and the maps shaping the new global market
The 2012 cycle of Future Concept Lab’s Future Vision Workshops was marked by the passage to a “new world“, in order to effectively enter into a dimension of regeneration within the global scenario. Future Concept Lab developed a New Scenario, creating cognitive maps and activating a new (intellectual) compass needed to follow the possible routes.
In the 2012 series this scenario was told, starting with the new book by Francesco Morace, Paradigms of the Future. A Trend exploration.
In each seminar in the 2012 cycle the characteristics, orientations and experiences generated by each paradigm were reflected upon, including their relevance as concepts and stimuli for future projects. Evidence from society and from within the global market were highlightes, as signalling shifts stimulated by the 4 paradigms.
The analysis was enriched by the presentation of original materials coming from 40 cities that Future Concept Lab continually observes through its correspondents who live in them. The most innovative cities were selected (from São Paulo to San Francisco, and Shanghai to London) and from them the freshest signals and most significant case histories were exposed, helping the “navigate” the changes taking place within different sectors worldwide.
Workshop Program
- 9.30 – 10.00
Regenerating the global landscape and the possible aesthetic resources Francesco Morace - 10.00 – 10.30
Divine Pandemonium the systematic delirium of aesthetic messages stimulates deeper levels of perception - 10.30 – 11.00
Priceless Set participating in an aesthetic project defines the new boundaries of exclusivity, proposing the concept of preciousness - 11.00 – 11.30
The international art market and its relationship with the design: the success of «Modernism» Giovanna Bertazzoni,International Director Impressionist and Modern Art Department Christie’s
- 11.30 – 11.45 – coffee break
- 11.45 – 12.15
Tiny Flora «minimal» aesthetics propose an organic rhythm for everyday life - 12.15 – 12.45
Lateral Nostalgia the paradox between exception and recognizability feeds a nostalgic aesthetic that is constantly evolving - 12.45 – 14.00 – lunch
- 14.00 – 14.30
Venture Design: a sustainable road infrastructure project Giulio Ceppi,architect and founder of Total Tool - 14.30 – 15.00
Euphoric Template energizing models and standards are transformed into new amplifiers of happiness - 15.00 – 15.30
The creative territory of Moleskine between analog and digital Maria Sebregondi, Vice President Brand
Equity Moleskine - 15.30 – 16.00
Reliable Fake creative debunking of the «original» becomes an exercise in diversifying repetition - 16.00 – 16.15 – coffee break
- 16.15 – 16.45
Virtuous Re-form the projectual gap between waste and virtuousness regenerates the aesthetic experience - 16.45 – 17.15
Freak & Science aesthetic experimentation forms an alliance with science in defining the creative territories between repulsion and enchantment - 17.15 – 17.30
Strategic Conclusions by Future Concept Lab
Workshop Program
- 9.30 – 10.15
Explorations, strategies and the shift from personal consumption to public goods Francesco Morace - 10.15 – 10.45
Self Vintage consumption as a collection and biographical path - 10.45 – 11.15
Poetry Consumption consumption as a poetic intervention
- 11.15 – 11.30 – coffee break
- 11.30 – 12.00
The case of Stone Island:a project of shared pathos Carlo Rivetti,President of Sportswear Company S.p.A, Creative Director of Stone Island - 12.00 – 12.30
Fair Creativity consumption as sustainable creativity - 12.30 – 13.00
Sharing Pathos consumption as sustainable creativity
- 13.00 – 14.15 – lunch
- 14.15 – 14.45
Collective Making consumption as self-production and project sharing - 14.45 – 15.15
The case of Amadori:the New Deal with the market Elena Aniello,Director of Strategic Marketing - 15.15 – 15.45
Excellent Honesty consumption of excellence as an emancipated experience
- 15.45 – 16.00 – coffee break
- 16.00 – 16.30
Unit Satisfaction happy consumption as a new measure of reality - 16.30 – 17.00
Personal Present Continuous consumption in the continuous present as radical gratification - 17.00 – 17.30
Strategic Conclusions by Future Concept Lab
Workshop Program
- 9.30 – 10.15
Communication and growth, between narration and the educational dimension Introduction & conversation with Francesco Morace and Franco Bolelli, writer and philosopher - 10.15 – 10.45
Fictionable Heritage communication as a fun rewriting of the past - 10.45 – 11.15
Life Tracking communication as a biographical map
- 11.15 – 11.30 – coffee break
- 11.30 – 12.00
Case presentation of Trussardi My Land: the creation of a new fragrance for men Giorgia Martone,Marketing Director ICR-ITF - 12.00 – 12.30
Thrilling Bursts communication as a flash of enthusiasm - 12.30 – 13.00
Real Time Memory communication as a spontaneous tale
- 13.00 – 14.00 – lunch
- 14.00 – 14.30
Eminent Conversation communication as a sharing of opinions on quality - 14.30 – 15.00
New Panorama: from “events separated by opinions” to “your opinion is an event” Filippo Gramigna,Publisher Panorama, Icon, Flair, Epoca and Ciak – Arnoldo Mondadori Editore - 15.00 – 15.30
2D Dialogue communication as a conversation between devices - 15.30 – 16.00
New forms of communication between production and evocation: the case of Foscarini Carlo Urbinati, CEO Foscarini
- 16.00 – 16.15 – coffee break
- 16.15 – 16.45
Supreme Trust communication as a shared truth - 16.45 – 17.15
Learning Infrastructures communication as an educational and intelligent mindframe - 1715 – 17.30
Strategic Conclusions by Future Concept Lab
Workshop Program
- 9.30 – 10.00
For a Retail that spans multiple dimensions Introduction and conversation with Francesco Morace
and Luigi Rubinelli, journalist and director of RetailWatch - 10.00 – 10.30
Nostalgic Allure competition as a form of seduction: individual memory and storytelling - 10.30 – 11.00
Unconventional Promotions competition as a creative mix: technology and new forms for interacting
- 11.00 – 11.15 – coffee break
- 11.15 – 11.45
(Ad)vocational Training competition as an educational project - 11.45 – 12.30
Autogrill Villoresi East: the design of a building that breathes between earth and sky
Gloria Bagdadli, retail manager Italy Autogrill
Giulio Ceppi, architect and founder of Total Tool - 12.30 – 13.00
Talented Endorsement competition as the pursuit of excellence
- 13.00 – 14.00 – lunch
- 14.00 – 14.30
Enabling Connections competition as a way of supporting and creating bonds - 14.30 – 15.15
Con-temporary markets, urban re-generation and the case of Coop.Fi in Florence Novoli
Giovanni De Nitto, sales director Unicoop Florence
Luca Braccesi, director Unicoop Florence Novoli
Paolo Lucchetta, architect and founder of RetailDesign - 15.15 – 15.45
Wow Strategies competition as a way of surprising and searching for alternatives
- 15.45 – 16.00 – coffee break
- 16.00 – 16.30
Blitz Effect competition as an immediate conquest - 16.30 – 17.00
RiskApproach competition as a form of progressive expansion - 17.00 – 17.30
Strategic Conclusions by Future Concept Lab