Books: Crescere!

The Manifesto develops an idea of expansive sustainability, never deprived or without growth, and all based on the strength of human relations. “The Festival della Crescita”, claims Morace, “as well as the book, have been an occasion and an interdisciplinary platform to listen to and meet so many protagonists: entrepreneurs, university teachers, craftsmen, students, teachers and in general the public”.
The book seeks to restore values and behaviours in order to make healthy and happy growth possible, to live life with passion, curiosity and desire to do well, to grow in a different way. An experience of learning and reflection, active confrontation and experimentation, on the thread of six keywords (Educate, Cultivate, Invent, Undertake, Invest, Communicate) that want to be imperatives. To this corresponds to the exclamation mark in the books title: Crescere! Because there are no other possible paths.
Around the six imperatives we find a community of “ambassadors of growth”.
They are now over two hundred: “many of them” Morace says, “helped us to find out the twelve points that make up this Manifesto and with fourteen of them (Franco Bolelli, Francesco Cancellato, Luciano Canova, Massimiliano Dona, Maria Letizia Gardoni, Andrea Illy, Claudio Marenzi, Stefano Moriggi, Ivana Pais, Daniele Pario Perra, Francesco Pugliese, Alessandro Rosina, Rossella Sobrero, Cristina Tajani) we have defined the path of the text, defining the basis for a happy growth: virtuous alliance among generations, relevance of gestures and words, the importance of a common good, values of truth, honesty, transparency, merit and sacrifice, and the valorisation of local knowledge, bringing together inclusion and innovation”.
Crescere! Il manifesto in dodici mosse
Publisher: Egea (August 2017)
Language: Italian
Price: € 24,00
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