In recent years social innovation has passed through the everyday behaviour of ConsumAuthors and citizens. The micro-sociology of everyday life, for years practiced by the Future Concept Lab team around the world, in this book find the words to recount the contemporary and the methodologies in order to become detectors of trends. Defining the mind-set and the necessary skills and declining them in different areas – People, Places, Plans, Projects – the text suggests how to deepen daily knowledge and interpret values and behaviours, so defining the strategies and the market positioning of companies and helping to launch new products, services and Ad campaigns. Coolhunting proves to be an essential method even for the digital professional, who can enrich their vision, targeting all that will be the future.

#Coolhunting Evolution – Dare Senso all’innovazione
Publisher: FrancoAngeli (March 2018)
Language: Italian
Price: € 19,00
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